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Supplementary measures to combat pain

Supplementary measures to combat pain

Nerve fibres conduct pain impulses to the brain. The information “pain” is perceived and assessed there.

However, the synapses in the spinal cord also influence pain perception. They have the capacity to influence pain perception and reduce the transmission and perception of pain.

Action that influences pain perception

  • Relaxation, for example, through listening to music, particular rituals or relaxation exercises (e.g. progressive muscle relaxation, which you can learn in courses).
  • Indulging your sense of humour will often help you relax.
  • Use your imagination: to conjure up empowering mental images from your memory, and linger in them for a moment.
  • Acupuncture and reflexology, used in addition to your pain management, can relieve distress and pain.
  • Cognitive behavioural therapy can be helpful in dealing with pain and regaining control and confidence.
  • Yin yoga is a gentle method of yoga that focuses on breathing and meditation and is suitable for everyone. Yin yoga exercises help you to calm down, connect with your body and relax your body.

Action that influences pain perception

  • Heat application by means of heat pads, hot packs or warm wraps. Heat promotes muscle relaxation, but only works for a short time. Consult the treatment team before applying.
  • Cold application with cold packs, cooling ointments or cold wraps. Cold damps down the pain stimulus and reduces pain perception. The temperature of the cool wraps should be only about 10 °C below skin temperature (store cold packs only in the refrigerator, therefore, and not in the freezer compartment). Consult the treatment team before applying. Do not use cold applications (e.g. cold packs) after radiotherapy or in case of reduced blood circulation (ischaemia).
  • Massage therapy by trained professionals: massages promote muscle relaxation, loosen the connective tissue, influence the nervous system and help in mental relaxation.

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