Die Symptom-Flyer ersetzen das Gespräch mit dem Behandlungsteam nicht. Kontaktieren Sie bei Unsicherheit oder Fragen Ihr Behandlungsteam.

Symptom Navi

What can I do for symptoms and side effects of the cancer treatment?

Dear reader,

Living with an illness often means you need to adapt your daily life. We want to support you in this. We would like to:

  • help you feel more secure by giving you clear information.
  • support you in coping with daily life despite your illness.
  • give you suggestions as to what action you can take yourself for which symptoms.
  • help you decide when you need to get help.


In addition, we would like to encourage you to listen to your body and assess how you are feeling. It is very important how well or how ill you feel.


To make it easier for you to assess yourself, the following symbols have been chosen in our Symptom Navi information sheet:

You feel
You notice
What you can do for yourself
You feel
You notice

Mild symptoms, coloured green

What you can do for yourself

Take the recommended preventive action.

You feel
You notice

Moderate symptoms, coloured yellow

What you can do for yourself

Keep an eye on them and also take the action recommended in the green column. It may be good idea to contact the treatment team.

You feel
You notice

Severe symptoms, coloured red

What you can do for yourself

Contact the treatment team.


If you have several symptoms in the yellow range, this accumulation can be a burden. It may be a good idea to contact the treatment team early.

The recommended action is based on current scientific knowledge. You can find the results of the evaluation and the literature on the recommendations in the Symptom Navi at:

If you are not sure or have questions, do not hesitate to contact your treatment team. The information flyers are not intended as a substitute for talking to professionals.

The treatment team is there for you.

You can download the flyer as PDF here

Tabelle Grün

If you feel well despite mild symptoms.

Tabelle Gelb

If you are suffering from symptoms and feel unnerved.

Tabelle Rot

When you feel really ill and miserable.

If you have questions about the content

If you have questions about the content, contact your treatment team.

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