Acupressure is closely related to acupuncture and has its origin in Chinese medicine. In acupressure, certain points on the body are massaged to relieve symptoms.
Acupressure of a point near the wrist can be used to treat nausea and vomiting and provide relief.
The tips of the thumbs, index fingers or middle fingers are used to perform acupressure. The fingertip is placed in the centre of the point and the massage is performed with a clockwise circular movement. The finger makes 2-3 circular movements per second. The fingertip remains firmly in contact with the skin around the point, but without use of the fingernail.
Acupressure can be performed on the point for 5 minutes before the start of the chemotherapy and before each meal. The treatment can also be administered as soon as a feeling of nausea occurs.
Wearing an acupressure band is a substitute for the pressure massage.